I was found non-responsive. My body temperature was 86 degrees Fahrenheit or 30 degrees Celsius. This was November 2014 after a decade of drinking and drugging. Paramedics resuscitated me twice that day, as my heart was stopped. I went to the “other side” and remember that entire experience.
At the hospital, they told my mom and dad, “I’m sorry, but if she makes it, she will indefinitely be brain-dead.” My family refused to believe that and neither did my friends. The power of prayer and meditation that occurred over that 9-day period, as I lay in a coma fighting for my life worked!

I woke up shortly before Thanksgiving and I remember the nurses taking the tube out of my throat. I was hooked up to a lot of machinery and there were needles feeding me and tubes coming out of my body in places I do not want to share… The doctor said to me, “Do you know where you are?” I looked around and responded, “Hospital!” The doctor gasped for air in disbelief that I responded to him. I was put in the MRI machine and the results were in. I had 2 strokes! Bi-lateral watershed, frontal cerebral strokes. All my organs were kept alive by machinery at this time.
My left eye did not move back and forth, and the left side of my face was droopy. I had lost peripheral vision in my left eye and couldn’t feed myself. It was a slow and fast journey since then. I began Physical Therapy and Occupational therapy. I was taught the activities of daily living again as if I was a child learning for the first time.
The neurologist in the hospital said to me, “I have no idea how you are here right now, let alone speaking to me. YOU HAVE ANGELS!” He also asked me if I tried to kill myself. The simple answer was no. I was at a point in my life where substances controlled my life and I had lost control of all things worthwhile.
My spiritual journey began in 2012, when my brother-in-law at the time passed away and would send me signs through lady bugs, but escalated when I woke up that day in 2014. I can communicate with the spiritual world since I woke up and my powers get continually stronger as the years go on. It has taken a tribe and many spiritual resources as I’ve been on the journey of enriching my spiritual life. It is amazing what has been possible since I decided to focus on spirituality and growing to be a better human. Not only have I been sober since 2014, I’ve accomplished so much since then!.

I have competed and placed in spartan races, a triathlon, CrossFit competitions, launched businesses to make the world a better place. I am a tech and motivational speaker, and received a Master’s Degree in Business with a major GPA of nearly 3.9. I love to spread the message of love and everything is possible. I traveled all over the world healing myself and others with my story. I am also a Reiki Healer and Theta Healer.
I took a leap of faith in September 2020, resigned from “Corporate America,” flipped my house in Florida and began building Healerverse. Prior to that, I spent nearly 3 years working for Taylor and Francis in Digital Database and Content Sales, as an Operations Manager running a treatment center with nearly 300 clients, and spent a year selling medical devices, and compounded holistic medications before that. I was a licensed independent insurance agent, New York and began my after-undergrad career financing ships and oil tankers at Simpson Spence and Young in Stamford, CT. Summers in college were spent interning on the New York Mercantile Exchange in Crude Oil and at the Bank of New York on their FX trading floor on Wall Street. I hold an MBA from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL and a BBA from Iona University, New Rochelle, NY.

Trish Kane's Birth Chart
The combination of planetary placements in all our birth charts says a lot about who we are and what we came here to do. It also tells us about our past lives and describes our mission for this life. Here is my birth chart sourced from *time passages. Understanding my birth chart helps me to better understand myself, so I can focus on being the best version of myself. It also shows me where my needs are, my triggers may be and how I relate to others. Additionally, knowing the current transits on a weekly and daily basis determines what we will be experiencing as a collective, as well as, individually. I personally work with a professional astrologer weekly, or at least bi-weekly to make business decisions, as well as, personal decisions.
Having studied astrology for the past years through many transitions and transits, my conclusion is that it is in fact pseudoscientific. To learn more about your birth chart, reach out to a verified healer on Healerverse.
